Tuesday, 12 April 2011

They Stoop to Conquer

 It's funny how people who go to university together tend to have the same mannerisms, speech as well as habits. This is not always true but in loughborough, it is especially exemplified. This is because there is a certain way that majority of those in final year act as well as some of the second year boys who hang together. There is a certain wickedness to ourselves(for clarity, I will join the group) that has gone on right from my first year. You might not call it wickedness but you must therefore class it as stoopidity(I coined that). The reason I say it is because in loughborough, people are battling it out to be the poorest when normally the guys should be flossing to each other and generally being braggarts.
You may not understand what I mean yet so let me paint a picture for you.In London, you see that there is more of a balling mentality because everyone wants to be looked as a boss and everyone wants to be the alpha male. Bottles everywhere, rented cars, exclusive partying et al. In loughborough, no one seeks to be the alpha male. Acting poor is the order of the day. Four boys go to the student Union on campus. They have a swell time while boogieing inside and trying to meet girls. The problem arises when it is time to go home. Person A will first of all make the remark 'ah.I don't have money o'. Person B will also say the same thing. Therefore it is up to C and D to bear the cost. In any other town this will suffice as they will just pay for their other two mates. Not here mate! C and D in the borough will also say they have no money. The four of them would rather walk from campus back to town than contribute the 2pounds each that it will cost and therefore being wicked to themselves.It is cold and its a fifteen minute walk. Don't give me any bollocks about you liking to walk,it is just you not wanting anyone to 'freehouse' on your head.

A freehouse can be described as an inadvertent attempt to get another person to bear your costs or a purposeful means of getting another person to pay for you. Inadvertent freehouse is when you don't have money at the moment and you need someone to help you with an unforeseen cost. The purposeful Freehouse is also known as a stoop. Explain how a friend of mine came to the club with no wallet. Think of all the scenarios possible, that wallet was left home on purpose. You can't think of going to the club and not think of your wallet unless you work in that club. They don't serve free drinks in clubs and the entry is most definitely not free so forgetting that wallet is a purposeful attempt to use another persons head. Avoid being a waste and don't try this damn method again.

I also have another stoop story to tell. so basically this guy was meant to give one of his friends money on a friday as they agreed. So on friday, the friend comes to this debtors house to collect the owed amount. The debtor stoops so low to force himself into the deepest of slumbers so he will not have to pay that money at the moment. It was until the friend left that the debtor decided to wake up from this feigned slumber. It is okay for you to miss the persons call, but for you to render yourself useless all day is most defo a stoop. This debtor faked this sleep for like 4hours no lie because the friend was playing Fifa11 with a mutual friend. This is a real story by the way.

Bottom line is that a stoop does not mean one is poor but just means that one is willing to degrade himself on account of money. The lows that I have encountered in my last few years deserves more than a blog, i should start a full blown website to tackle and eradicate this vice that is engulfing some of my loved ones.lol

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